Panchakarma is the specialized therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda by which the toxins (ama) and diseases accumulated inside a body is rooted out.
In Sanskrit, “Pancha” literally translates as Five and “Karma” as actions or procedures. Hence, Panchakarma is the sophisticated five-fold treatment procedures administered to treat different ailments and also to evacuate toxins from the body.
As is the case with every treatment procedure, the process of Panchakarma therapy involves preparing the patient before to the main course of the five-fold treatment.
Based on the stages of the process, Panchakarma is classified into Poorva Karma, Pradhana Karma and Paschata Karma.
Panchakarma therapy begins with Poorva Karma (Pre Therapy procedures) or preparing the patient for the main treatment. Different stages of Poorva Karma are.
The main treatment protocol includes the five-fold karmas / Panchakarma. They are as under:
Paschata Karma:
The third and final stage in Panchakarma treatment is the Paschata Karma or Post Therapy procedures. Paschata Karma is just as baratos relojes important as the first two stages as it is here, the ‘Agni’ or the metabolic fire of an affected individual is reignited so that he/she can get back to leading the regular diet and lifestyle.
This, hence includes slowly bringing the dietary changes for the person till he/she attunes himself / herself back. After this a set of instructions are also given to lead a healthy and disease free life
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